

Seminars for your team

Develop your team further in one of the following topics:

  • Time management
  • Stress management
  • Communication
  • Analysis of teams
  • Understanding of teams
  • Personal development

For many of the topics I, as a licenced coach, make use of the MBTI, one of the most widely recognised tools to assess personality types worldwide. It shows the personal preferences of each human being and is extremely helpful as a tool for team developments. Discover more…

Tired of seminars?
Sometimes it is only specific topics that need to be discussed. I would be more than happy to work with you and your team on developing a customised schedule for your own series of workshops.

Costs are dependent on the overall volume of the contract.

Project management

It’s time to get going!

A new project is on the horizon and your expertise is needed. At the start of a project, all experts are gathered and one will be given the leading role. Sometimes none of the team members know each other and more often than not you may recognise some familiar faces. Every new team or new team constellation will initially undergo the orientation phase until it can start to be truely productive (see Tuckmann). A project team is only as good as it knows its‘ strengths and weaknesses and is able to counterbalance those. Let’s enable your team to fast-forward into productivity through starting the project work with analysing your team members creating trust: Who is who? Who can deliver value best in what way? How should roles be distributed in the best way to accomodate for everyones‘ needs?

Costs are dependent on the overall volume of the contract.


© Copyright - Nicole Claus - Business Coach - Email: - Phone: 0049 157 343 507 60